SREC, Inc.
Southern Rockies Education Centers, Inc.
What's Going On!
SOUTHERN ROCKIES CAMP & RETREAT CENTER, located south of Cloudcroft, will be hosting a special FAMILY CAMP, October 6-13, 2021. Come for all or part of this week. We will be teaching practical sustainability classes, foraging classes, food preservation and preparation. Also that weekend (Oct 8-10) we will be showing THE CHOSEN, SEASON 1. Activities will be interactive and promises to be a really full terrific time at Camp. Call 432-249-0290 for more information to be involved. Everyone welcome! No programming charge, bring food to contribute to meals if you are able. Lodging is 1/2 price as long as it lasts and camping is FREE. Lodging and Reservations call 254-212-9338.
NATURALISTS KRISTY, OWNER OF MOUTAIN ROOTED will be teaching a mountain foraging class on Thursday, October 7 beginning at 10:00 am. Nature walk, identification and practical application. Things to bring - ziplock bags, scissors, gloves, comfortable walking shoes. Light lunch provided - donations accepted.
Udall, Heinrich, Pearce Announce $1.2 Million to Upgrade Dunn Solar Telescope in Sunspot, NM, Transition Operation to NMSU Consortium - U.S. Senators Tom Udall and Martin Heinrich and U.S. Representative Steve Pearce announced that New Mexico State University (NMSU) will receive $1.2 million from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to upgrade the Richard B. Nunn Solar Telescope in Sunspot, NM The NSF award will support efforts to transition the operation of the research facility from the National Solar Observatory (NSO) to a university-based consortium led by NMSU. (Click here to see the full article)
Want a Fun Job this Summer?
How about spending your summer in the Sacramento Mountains at the Southern Rockies Camp and Retreat Center!
We are looking for summer camp staff! Please contact us at: nancy@srec.co If your church group, civic group, ladies group, or men's group would like to be involved in life changing experiences for children and adults, send us an email and we will discuss the work opportunities.
Vocational Training Now Available!
Vocational / Intern Positions now open at the Davis Mountains Inn and Fort Davis Drug Store & Hotel in Fort Davis, TX. For more information, please send an email to nancy@srec.co. Please include your name and contact information.