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SREC After School Program

SREC hosted the first gathering of its 2nd annual After-School program on October 17th, 2013 at Dirks-Anderson Elementary School in Fort Davis, Tx.


After a great turnout of students last year, this year, the numbers are expected to increase. Students will be split into two groups based on grade level. Group #1, being made of up of students in Kinder-2nd grade, will meet once a month on the 1st Thursday of that month. Group #2 will consist of students in grades 3rd-5th and they will meet on the 3rd thursday of each month. 


Each gathering this year will be theme based! Students will get a chance to learn and 
participate in a hands-on experiement based the time of the season. Our October theme is "National Apple Harvest". Students will get to enjoy slices of apples while learning about apple harvesting and more. Then they will get to see what happens when apples are dunked in vinegar and other solutions! 


SREC will provide each student a snack and drink at each program gathering. The program is expected to be between 1 1/2 hour to 2 hours long. Look out of flyers being sent home with the students each month. 


Other Themes:

November - "Thankful Hearts"

December- "Chirstmas Joy"

After-School Program: 
Volunteers Needed!

In order to make the SREC after-school program successful, we need volunteers to help with the students. If you are interested in helping, please send us an email to Please include your name, phone number and times you will be available to help. 


Thank you so much for your help and support! We are excited for the start of this program and we hope it's a great success!

SREC Southern Rockies Education Centers

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Find us:  

  • 42535 State Hwy 118

        Fort Davis, TX 79734

  • Wayland Canyon Rd.

        Sacramento Peak-Cloudcroft, NM


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  Come to the Southern Rockies for a Life Changing Educational Experience!

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